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New Products For February
RPI4 Ethernet Module for Raspberry Pi
RPI2v2, RPI3v2 or RPI4 Heatsink Case Mounting Kit
RPI2v2, RPI3v2 or RPI4 additional mounting kit.
RPI2v2, RPI3v2 or RPI4 stacking kit.
RPI2 v2 1-Wire Host Adapter for Raspberry Pi
Jumper Cable F-F
Jumper cable F-M
Relay Module
BAE0910 Multifunction I/O IC
1-Wire Host Adapters
Sensor Modules
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1-Wire ICs
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RPI2 v1 1-Wire Host Adapter for Raspberry Pi
RPI3 v2 1-Wire Host Adapter for Raspberry Pi Models A+,B+,2,3,4
RPI2 v2 1-Wire Host Adapter for Raspberry Pi
SWE3 Humidity Sensor Module
SWE2b Sensor Connection Module
RPI3a port splitter module for the RPI3
SWE4 Dual Channel I/O Module
DS2482-800 8 Channel I2C to 1-Wire Master IC
SWE1 Temperature Sensor
2x13 Stackable Header
Great product. Easy to set-up on Arch Linux using OWFS.I got ..
What's New?
RPI2v2, RPI3v2 or RPI4 stacking kit.